Curved Ridge

Today I met up with an old friend, Simon and his girlfriend Jo who are on a 2 week sun holiday to Scotland.  I met Simon 10 years ago when we were both naïve 18-year-olds on our gap years in Africa for 3 months with Quest Overseas.

A bit slower and with a few more wrinkles, aches and pains we made our way round the base of Buachaill Etive Mor to the base of the route.  On the way passing many flowers that are finally coming out, a bit later after the cold spring.  With the mountain to ourselves we roped up and started up the classic ridge.  Simon and Jo, who had only done a very small amount of climbing indoors, breezed up the ridge and were more interested than most with the rock features with their geology degrees.

After a few hours of scrambling on dry rock and looking out over Rannoch Mor at the showers around we only had the final climb up to the summit, and great views all around.

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